Friday, December 13, 2013

Learning Excel 2010 - An internal Training Program

Dear Friends

Everyone will agree with me if I state that Spreadsheet is the largely undisputed innovation of the computing era. It is so much to learn even for an expert  and equally fascinating to  learn by novice users.

There are many products of Spreadsheets - however Excel has made its presence and uniqueness felt around the world for so many years that it has become synonymous with the concept of spreadsheet.

There are innumerable task done in excel program around the world and people love it. Their everyday work is not complete without Excel.

Recently there was a training program on Excel conducted for the working engineers and officers at our office and this marked  100% attendance in the program  which is very rare in this part of the world given the pace and amount of work people are loaded with.

The various documents from the Microsoft were used to train people and we are sharing these documents for the benefit of all trainees and other aspirants  hereunder :

Tutorial 1

Tutorial 2

Product guide


Setting Up Analysis Pack