Saturday, February 15, 2014

Role Play Situations - Trainings

1.    You lend a friend one of your books. She returns it with pages missing.
2.    A co-worker calls you late at night just to talk.  She/He also happens to be bosses favorite. You are tired and have to get up early in the morning.
3.    The new shoes you bought a week ago are already starting to fall apart. You take them back to the store where you bought them.
4.    You bring your car to a garage for service. You ask the mechanic to call and let you know how much it will cost before doing the work. He doesn't call and when you call him he tells you he has already done the work and your bill is Rs.10,000
5.    Your next door neighbor has taken up singing classes early in the morning for last 15 days. It begins to get on your nerves.  Other neighbors in your building have also started talking about it and they want you to ask her to stop.
6.    A group of friends gather at a local restaurant for dinner. Midway through their meal, they notice a mouse running round the tables and they call the waiter. The waiter says, "O.K," and asks what they would like to be done about it. Eventually, the manager enters the picture and tells the diners, "All restaurants have mice whether you see them or not. I can take care of your bill, but there's nothing else I can do about it."  You are the group of friends. How do you handle this?
7.    Variation in the above—You are the manager –How will you respond? This could be a role play for effective customer service